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CNSystems Literature Service


Herzlich willkommen zur zweiten Ausgabe unseres Literatur-Services im heurigen Jahr!

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen wieder eine Auswahl von kürzlich publizierten Studien, die mit unserer CNAP® Technologie (CNAP® Monitor, Task Force® Touch CARDIO, OEM) in den verschiedensten Anwendungsbereichen gemacht wurden, zur Verfügung stellen zu können.

Ein Beispiel hierfür ist eine aktuelle Studie einer Expertengruppe der Texas Tech University, USA, die die Auswirkungen von akuter Schlafverlängerung auf Blutdruck und mikrovaskuläre Vasodilatation untersuchte. Erwachsene, deren Schlafeffizienz durch eine verlängerte Schlafdauer verbessert wurde, wiesen einen reduzierten mittleren Blutdruck (MAP) auf, während Erwachsene, deren Schlafeffizienz sich kaum veränderte oder abnahm, keine Veränderung des MAP zeigten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie legen nahe, dass eine verlängerte Schlafdauer das Potenzial hat, den Blutdruck bei Erwachsenen mittleren bis höheren Lebensalters zu senken, wenn die zusätzliche Schlafzeit die Schlafqualität verbessert.1

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de Lange, F. J. et al. A novel and practical method to add video monitoring to tilt table testingEuropace 25, (2023). Read abstract

Ferdowsi, M., Gan, M. H., Kwan, B. H., Tan, M. P. & Goh, C. H. Anticipating Fainting: Real-Time Prediction of Vasovagal Syncope During Head-Up Tilt Table Testing. in IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON 870–875 (IEEE, 2023). doi:10.1109/TENCON58879.2023.10322549. Read abstract

Russo, V. et al. Temporal relationship between hemodynamic changes and activation of Closed Loop Stimulation during tilt-induced vasovagal syncope. Europace 26, 1–8 (2024). Read abstract

Russo, V. et al. The triggers of situational syncope do not influence the Head-up Tilt Test response and prognosis. 1–10. Read abstract

Azcue, N. et al. Dysautonomia and small fiber neuropathy in post-COVID condition and Chronic Fatigue SyndromeJ. Transl. Med. 21, 1–11 (2023). Read abstract

Hristovska, A. M., Uldall-Hansen, B., Mehlsen, J., Kehlet, H. & Foss, N. B. Orthostatic intolerance after intravenous administration of morphine: incidence, haemodynamics and heart rate variability analysisAnaesthesia 78, 526–528 (2023). Read abstract


Huckemann, S. et al. Vagal cross-sectional area correlates with parasympathetic dysfunction in Parkinson’s diseaseBrain Commun. 5, (2022). Read abstract

Kleinz, T. et al. The association of vagal atrophy with parameters of autonomic function in multiple system atrophy and progressive supranuclear palsy. Ther. Adv. Neurol. Disord. 17, 1–20 (2024). Read abstract

Zawadka-Kunikowska, M., Rzepiński, Ł., Cieślicka, M., Klawe, J. J. & Tafil-Klawe, M. Alterations in short-term blood pressure variability related to disease severity and autonomic symptoms in myasthenia gravis patients. Neurol. Sci. (2023) doi:10.1007/s10072-023-06927-1. Read abstract

Rasmussen, V. F. et al. Neuropathy in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Confirmatory diagnostic tests, bedside tests, and risk factors. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. 201, (2023). Read abstract

>> Humanphysiologie

Rashid, A. & Roatta, S. Hemodynamic changes in the temporalis and masseter muscles during acute stress in healthy humans. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. (2023) doi:10.1007/s00421-023-05349-3. Read abstract

Yoon, J. H. et al. Early Physiologic Numerical and Waveform Characteristics of Simulated Hemorrhagic Events with Healthy Volunteers Donating Blood. Crit. Care Explor. 6, E1073 (2024). Read abstract

Gögele, M., Emmert, D., Fuchsberger, C. & Frasnelli, J. Factors influencing olfactory function in an adult general population sample: the CHRIS study6, 1–11 (2024). Read abstract

Gonzales, J., Clark, C. & Dellinger, J. The Impact of Acute Sleep Extension on Blood Pressure Is Dependent on Sleep Quality. Sleep 47, A330–A330 (2024). Read abstract

>> Psychophysiologie

El-hamad, F. et al. Contributors to beat-to-beat stroke volume variability during acute mental stress in healthy volunteers . B. ECG Process. Read abstract

>> Exercise / Training

Nine, I. et al. Acute cardiovascular responses of postmenopausal women to resistance training sessions differing in set configuration: A study protocol for a crossover trial. PLoS One 19, e0311524 (2024). Read abstract


Saugel, B. et al. Intraoperative haemodynamic monitoring and management of adults having non-cardiac surgery: Guidelines of the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine in collaboration with the German Association of the Scientific Medical SocietiesJ. Clin. Monit. Comput. (2024) doi:10.1007/s10877-024-01203-9. Read abstract

La Vie, L. et al. Effects of pneumoperitoneum on hemodynamics evaluated by continuous noninvasive arterial pressure monitoring. A single-center observational studyAnn Ital Chir 94, 281–288 (2023). Read abstract

Saglietto, A. et al. Beat-to-beat finger photoplethysmography in atrial fibrillation patients undergoing electrical cardioversion. Sci. Rep. 13, (2023). Read abstract

Tognoli, E. & Luigi, M. Using the TI.VA algorithm to titrate the depth of general anaesthesia: a first-in-humans studyBJA Open 7, 100203 (2023). Read abstract


Azcue, N. et al. Dysautonomia and small fiber neuropathy in post- COVID condition and Chronic Fatigue SyndromeRes. SqRead abstract


Hristovska, A. M., Uldall-Hansen, B., Mehlsen, J., Kehlet, H. & Foss, N. B. Orthostatic intolerance after intravenous administration of morphine: incidence, haemodynamics and heart rate variability analysis. Anaesthesia 78, 526–528 (2023). Read abstract


1 Gonzales, J., Clark, C. & Dellinger, J. The Impact of Acute Sleep Extension on Blood Pressure Is Dependent on Sleep Quality. Sleep 47, A330–A330 (2024). Read abstract

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